National Broadcasting Day (July 23)


10 facts about National Broadcasting Day:

  1. National Broadcasting Day is celebrated in India on July 23 every year.
  2. The day commemorates the first-ever radio broadcast in India, which took place on July 23, 1927.
  3. The first broadcast was made from the Bombay Station of the Indian Broadcasting Company, a private company.
  4. The broadcast was of a concert by the Bombay Philharmonic Society.
  5. The Indian Broadcasting Company was taken over by the government in 1936, and it was renamed All India Radio (AIR).
  6. AIR is the national public broadcaster of India, and it has over 200 radio stations across the country.
  7. AIR broadcasts in 23 languages and 146 dialects.
  8. AIR also broadcasts online and on mobile apps.
  9. National Broadcasting Day is a day to celebrate the power of radio and its role in shaping Indian society.
  10. It is also a day to remember the contributions of the pioneers of Indian broadcasting.

Some additional facts about National Broadcasting Day:

  • The theme for National Broadcasting Day 2023 is "Radio - The Bridge of Communication."
  • The first radio broadcast in India was made by the British colonial government.
  • Radio played an important role in the freedom struggle, and it was used to spread awareness about the movement.
  • Radio was also used to provide entertainment and education to the people of India.
  • Today, radio is still a popular medium in India, and it is used to reach people who are not connected to the internet.

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